With this healthy banana bread recipe, you're only a few simple ingredients away from the best banana bread ever! It's made with whole wheat flour and naturally sweetened with honey or maple syrup. You...
Butternut Squash Bread is full of autumnal flavors that only get more complex with time. This moist and delicious quick bread may just become your new favorite fall treat.
This simple recipe begins with the viral "2-ingredient dough" recipe, then gets topped with a garlic-Parmesan butter, hot out of the oven. A great shortcut recipe when you don't have time for traditional...
Perfect for the holidays, richly flavored pumpkin gingerbread made with pumpkin purée, flour, butter, ginger, molasses, brown sugar, and lots of spices.
Two ingredients are all you need to whip up the dough for these bread bowls. I make them for soup but they make great bowls for cold dips too. Recipe can easily be doubled to feed four.
This amazing pumpkin bread is naturally sweetened with honey or maple syrup, and made with whole wheat flour. It's so moist and fluffy, no one will ever guess! You can easily make this pumpkin bread vegan...
The tartness of lemons complements the sweet subtle taste of walnuts in this quick bread recipe. The addition of blueberries offers a colorful antioxidant boost.
The best zucchini bread muffins ever! Moist, sweet, packed with shredded zucchini, walnuts, dried cranberries, and spiced with vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Always popular, zucchini bread is one of easiest recipes you can make. No mixer required! Enjoy this moist, flavorful quick bread recipe any time of day. Customize it with your favorite nuts, spices, or...
This yeasted dough is so soft and easy to work with. I don't really like kneading by hand, so I used a bread machine instead for the kneading part only. You can stuff it with whatever fillings you like...
This homemade rye bread is light and soft inside with a crusty crust. Make it with or without caraway seeds. Great for reuben sandwiches, grilled cheese, and more!
This delicious quick bread is named after Mount Logan in the Yukon. It is dense and chock-full of nutrients, perfect for hiking or camping. Vary the recipe according to what's in the cupboard! Any type...
A tried and true, classic vegan banana bread! Perfectly moist and delicious, this healthy vegan banana bread recipe makes a terrific snack or great way to start the day.
Best Ever Zucchini Bread recipe that really lives up to the name! This zucchini quick bread recipe is easy to make and is the perfect blend of delicious spices.
Studded with pockets of tender meat and gooey cheese, these savory scones are a great way to use up leftover Easter ham, and the perfect addition to any brunch menu.
With this two-ingredient dough, you can make the perfect accompaniment to a homemade Italian dinner. These soft, warm breadsticks will rival even your favorite Italian restaurant, plus they're on the dinner...
Learn how to make streusel (aka crumble topping) very easily with a few ingredients you have on hand. Follow the simple steps and see how to use it whenever you want.
After making many, many batches of matzo balls for my friends, I perfected the recipe and am sharing it here. They're always welcome treat served to sick friends and family.
Fannie Farmer's Classic Banana Bread recipe, adapted with current ingredients such as quinoa flour. Topped with slices of ripe pear, this is not your usual banana bread; much added health benefits due...
After making many, many batches of matzo balls for my friends, I perfected the recipe and am sharing it here. They're always welcome treat served to sick friends and family.
After making many, many batches of matzo balls for my friends, I perfected the recipe and am sharing it here. They're always welcome treat served to sick friends and family.
This goes so well with Mexican or Indian soups, lentils, beans, or chilies. I'm sure you could also use as a base for quick pizzas or brush with garlic butter for a tasty treat on its own!
This is a delicious pull-apart bread made with pizza dough, turkey pepperoni, and cheese in an air fryer. You can make your own pizza dough or buy ready-made.
Doughnuts are typical of Carnevale in Italy, the famous festival in the days leading up to Lent. Each region, and indeed each family, has its own recipe. In Milan and the Lombardy region, Carnival donuts...
Pumpkin bread tastes so quintessentially of the fall, with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and molasses. Plus an optional orange glaze! Use canned or homemade pumpkin purée.